Take at look at what he has been up to......
Jet Star has been learning about Tu Tangata and what it means to us.
Tu Tangata means we are strong!
Tu Tangata means we stand tall
and reach high in our learning.
Jet Star has been getting to know us and we introduced ourselves to him.
"Ko Angeliya toku ingoa".
We wrote some stories about what Jet Star has been doing with us.
Jet Star learned to draw and he pinches his pencil. Jet Star
is clever because he has a good brain. Jet Star is awesome at handwriting
because he is a good and neat writer. Jet Star writes all his letters on the
I taught Jet Star how to read because he loves books. He is
really good at reading now. I taught him the class treaty so his manners are great now. He can be good and not call out now. He sits on the mat. He folds his arms and legs and sits nicely on
his bottom.